Friday, May 10, 2013

What Character Am I?

Author's Note: This is a piece I wrote with the "Who am I" writing prompt. If you can't guess it after a while, just comment on this post or talk to me and I'll tell you.

My show first aired on TV in 1965, and it's a cartoon. I always seem to have bad luck wherever I go. I cannot play football, and that's one of the things that I'm well-known for. I also fail at most of the tasks I am assigned, such as directing a play and even finding a suitable Christmas tree. People get mad at me a lot because of these things, and I have a hard time having confidence in myself. 

I have a pet that can't talk but somehow makes everyone laugh. I have a few friends that never understand me. Whenever I need advice, I have to pay 5 cents when the doctor is in. Sometimes, my other friends will try to give me advice, but I never take their advice the right way, and something bad always happens that ends up embarrassing me in front of people. In the end, I always learn to make something good happen out of something bad.

Most people think that I'm bald, but I do have some hair. I wear the same clothes all the time, and so do my friends. One of my friends is a musician, one has to bring his blanket everywhere with him, and one is really dusty. They are all known for those things, just like how I'm known for saying "good grief." every time something embarrassing, frustrating, or confusing happens.

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