Monday, May 20, 2013

A Sneak Attack on the Trojans

Author's Note: This is my two-paragraph response to "The Trojan Horse". I wrote the two paragraphs based on the questions that we looked at and discussed in class.

The fact that they were playing a big trick on the Trojans, and that they were hiding in the giant horse and ready to attack the whole time was the sneaky part of the whole story. The conflict of the story was basically the war. The whole war was over the 'most beautiful woman in the world' (that's what she was known for). The conflict was resolved because of the smart Greeks playing a trick on the Trojans. They brought the giant horse into their city without the Trojans realizing that they were being tricked into letting the Greek army into their city. Once they were in the city and most of the people were drunk or sleeping, the Greeks came out of the sculpture and attacked the town, therefore resolving the whole war and conflict of the story.

I have seen this tactic before, but not in the way of sneaking a giant wooden horse into a city. That specific tactic couldn't be used nowadays, because we don't have those kinds of wars anymore, where one side interacts more with their enemies. But the thought could be used nowadays because in computers, a virus can come without you knowing, opening the doors so other viruses can affect your computer too. That's not the only way the Trojan Horse tactic is seen nowadays, because it is also seen in things like TV shows. Let's say a person in a movie tries to get to know another person more and more, and when the other person trusts them enough, they sneak in and attack them (in most TV shows or movies, they try to kill the person for revenge or money).

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