Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What would you do you on your last day?

Author's note: There are so many things that I would want to do on my last day. However, some of those things require traveling around the world, so I can't do that. So I just listed the things that I can actually do in one day. What would you do on your last day?

If I only had one more day to live, I would throw a huge party with family and friends to have a chance to say goodbye. If some family couldn’t make it, I would call them and tell them farewell. There are so many things I would want to do, like travel somewhere. I want to go to Nicaragua, Mexico, Tanzania, Germany, an Australia, but I wouldn’t have enough time to fly there. So I would imagine that I was there, with waves washing up on the sand in Nicaragua, or the loud hustle-bustle of Mexico, or the scorching heat in the Crater in Tanzania. There are so many possibilities for doing things on my last day, but I hope that I would never know when my last 24 hours are going to be, because it would be too sad for my family and friends. I hope that my last day is a good one.

Friday, December 16, 2011

What will the Future be Like?

Author's note: Many people in the world think: What will the future be like? Will the world be all white and high-tech? Or will it be the same as now but with greener ways like all-electric cars? This is how I imagine it...

Hi! I’m Maggie. This is my diary. The date is May 28th, 3015 AD. The reason I’m writing in this thing is because it is my birthday! The rest of my family is on the 27th floor getting the party ready. I am on the 13th floor in my room. My friend Sparkle lives in the tower next door. She is coming to my party along with Kallie, Nina, Hana, and 2 others. They are all going to stay in my room. I have PLENTY of room in my bedroom because it is HUGE! It’s almost as big as that old grocery store down the street.
    I made a list of things that I want for my birthday:
1.) A new iPhone 48 (or the 47)
2.) My own 120 inch plasma tv
3.) A bigger indoor hot tub for my room
4.) A nicer bookshelf for my 4,000 books.
    That isn’t even all of it! I saw this magazine the other day, and I circled everything in it (besides the boring stuff) and put it on my mom’s pillow so she knew to get EVERY SINGLE THING. The reason I want a new indoor hot tub for my room is because the one that I currently have is trash. TRASH! The jet on the left side doesn’t work as well as the other 7! I REALLY hope that my parents get that...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Imaginary Creatures

Author's note: People like to use their imaginations to have fun. Like thinking of imaginary animals or people. You can talk to Abraham Lincoln, or play with a dragon. But you just have to think about it. 

There are so many magical creatures that are in kid’s minds. They are, in fact, imaginary. Some people like to just daydream about them, but some people like to draw them and write stories about them. There are so many imaginary animals to draw or think of, but you just have to be creative. You could pretend that two different animals crossed together is a way to think of them. Lets say a lion and a giraffe. A Liraffe. And how would you draw it? Maybe a lion but has a super long neck and legs. People can think of many different ways to draw these things, so just think of something new, then make it non-realistic. You have to use your imagination to create something new. 

Why are Dogs so Loyal?

 Author's note: I like writing about animals because I know that dogs have feelings and know their owners are the ones to stick around with.

Most dogs love being around humans. Some dogs stick around for the treats. Some stay because it’s a warm place. But most dogs stay because of all of the above, plus the slow caress on their backs while their owner pets them. They also love being rewarded for things that they do, like simple things like getting a scratch behind the ears for “staying” while your owner is opening the door to go for a walk. Or receiving a treat for “fetching” the daily paper. Dogs are loyal because of these things and more.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kids Make a Stand

Author's Note: I wrote this essay because I wanted to express my feelings about how adults don't think that kids are capable of fending for themselves or doing fantastic things for the world.

  Many adults in the world don’t think that kids are capable of anything. They don’t think that they could possibly be smarter than adults! A lot of kids in the world think of life as being unfair, because maybe they are orphans, or maybe they are completely ignored by their parents. There are people in the world that are so heartless, they beat their child and think that they are completely worthless to the word. Adults were once children, too! Some kids, like the ones in “The Mysterious Benedict Society” want to prove that they aren’t worth nothing, and that they can do anything.
If you forgot everything including your childhood memories, your family, even your name, how would you feel? You would feel lost and forgotten; sad and depressed. In the book “The Mysterious Benedict Society,” There is a machine that will make you completely forget about everything in your past. Say you are captured by men in black suits. The last thing you remember is sitting in a dark room. When you wake up, there are the men again. And you don’t remember anything before that. Even your kids. That is what happened to many people in the book, including kids and adults. If that happened to me, I wouldn’t ever feel happy again. All of my memories, completely gone.The reason the man that created the machine created it was to make them only feel happy about being in the care and protection of him. And so that they would follow his orders. To put it simply, he is trying to control the brains of the whole human race.
Mr. Benedict tests kids to see if he can send them to the school where all of the mind controlling stuff is taking place, so they can find out information so they can stop the man who wants power. Mr. Benedict finds that kids are actually the only ones who can solve the problem. He actually has a logic to why kids are important in this mission, but other people only think kids can’t do anything is because they are young and inexperienced. I mean, if kids had a chance to do something important, they would! They might or might not succeed. But the point is, they would take up the offer and maybe do something important in the world.
Relating to this book is hard to do because most people have never gone on a secret mission to save the world and not a lot or people are orphans or a man that wants to (and thinks that he will) control the world. But, maybe people have had dreams about these things. Adventure and suspense are the words to describe this book. Mystery Is also another one, because it has many different clues that lead to other clues so the kids can figure out how to stop the man.
Kids in many different books have agreed that kids can do more than mow the lawn, or clean their rooms. They could actually do something important in the world. Maybe invent something, or find out a new way to go green. Adults just need to give kids a chance, and go with their ideas.