Friday, June 1, 2012

Family Vacation... Yay?

Author’s note: This is not true, except for the annoying brother and me wanting to be a photographer part of it. I will admit, the car rides that we take as a family are not the best things ever, except when there is really pretty scenery or everyone is asleep except the driver, which is either my mom or my dad.
A family vacation. How cheesy. That’s how I’m going to spend a whole two weeks of my summer. How fun (I say with sarcasm)! There is nothing better than sitting in the middle of a forest, living in a tent with only 5 outfits and a swimsuit, and NO WIFI! My parents allowed me to bring my phone and iPod, but there isn’t any wifi to connect to the internet. I do not think that I will survive. It’s practically impossible. I think I should just have no expectations for this trip, because with my family, anything could happen. Even if I did have wifi, there’s always my brother to annoy me. He has his own iPod, which might shut him up for a while, but he won’t last long. My dad is all about the hikes and taking pictures of everything, which I don’t argue about, even though I want to be a photographer when I grow up. But he likes to take pictures of me, which I don’t like at all. My mom just wants time to herself, which I like too, but it’s hard to get when you’re in my family. Camping is the word for this nonsense. I would much rather keep the outdoors limited to my backyard or the park 4 houses down. Especially in the summer. I don’t want to waste summer on camping! Sitting on the couch, watching tv, and eating chips is better. By far. Then there’s the car ride to struggle through. Sitting in a car with my dog, brother, mom, and dad is not fun. If it was just my SILENT parents in the front, SILENT brother next to me, and my dog as her normal self, I would be fine. So much for no expectations. Even so, I am just looking forward to huddle up in the tent with my iPod and dog. Away from the bugs, and the sun, the heat, my brother’s complaining, my dad’s camera, and basically, the outdoors. I like being by myself in nature, not being forced to take pictures everywhere I go. However, I have to go to this things anyways... I am officially bored. The fourth hour in the car. I don’t even know where we’re going. My iPod is almost dead, because I sucked up all the battery playing the same game for two hours straight. Then I finished my book. Then I attempted to sleep. That is practically impossible, except when my brother is asleep. When I tried to look out the window, I just started feeling dizzy and got a sick feeling. Just 3 more hours to go. I entertained myself the rest of that three hours by thinking. Thinking about what I was going to do during these two weeks. I might actually try to have fun. Just as I finished this thought, I saw the sign that welcomed us to the park.