Monday, December 10, 2012

What Do You Think Will Happen?

Author’s Note: This is my prediction piece. I am predicting what will happen at the end of the book “My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult. This is not an essay, it is a few paragraphs about what I think will happen and why.

My Sister’s Keeper is a girl named Kate who finds out that she has leukemia at the age of two, and her sister who is her exact bone marrow match (which means  that Anna, Kate’s sister, will have to donate her bone marrow and blood many times in order to keep Kate alive). When I first heard about the book (from friends and family members), the only idea I had about it was that it was about two sisters. I’m not finished with the book, but I still have at least 50 pages left. My friend, who started reading the book at the same time as I did, finished it and said that it was a surprise ending. Of course, I didn’t want her to ruin the end for me, because I have heard that it was really good, so she didn’t give me any clue about what will happen at the very end. 

My prediction is that one of the sisters will die. I’m not sure which one yet because Kate, it says in the book, had tried to commit suicide because she didn’t want to be a burden to her family. Anna doesn’t want to put up with constantly donating her bone marrow and blood to her sister, because it never seems to work. Anna gets so fed up with it, that she sues her parents because she thinks that it is not right to use her as a harvest crop for her sister. I also think that Anna’s attorney has a service dog because he has a type of medical problem. This is evidence from the book, and I know it’s true because every chapter is from someone else’s point of view: Anna, her brother Jesse, their mom or dad, Anna’s attorney, and Anna’s guardian ad litem. Each of those people have a different way of describing what is going on.

The reason that I think my prediction is correct because if Anna doesn’t donate a kidney to Kate, Kate will die because her kidneys were failing her. But if Anna does donate a kidney, she might die during the transplant or of the effects after the surgery. I also think that Campbell (the attorney) has that service dog because of a medical issue because he keeps lying to everyone who asks, and each time, the story is different: and metal lung, to keep him away from drugs, deaf in one ear, and many other things. Some people, in other books/movies have service dogs to predict when the person is going to have a heart attack, stroke, or seizure. That is my evidence for those predictions.

Even though I haven’t finished the book yet, I am sure that my predictions for some of the characters are correct because there are clues in the book that most likely hint to the ending. When I finish the book, I will look back at my prediction piece, and see if my predictions were correct, or somewhat accurate. Based on the clues that are throughout the book, I am positive that one of the sisters is going to die.

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