Monday, February 27, 2012


Author's note: I wrote this post because sometimes I feel like a small seedling to begin with, but I know someday I will become a beautiful tree. 

I feel like one of those plants that nobody likes because another plant is taking all of the sun and growing bigger and more colorful. I can either shrivel up and let the other plant get all of the attention, or I can try as hard as I can to get more sunlight and grow taller and taller, until I can be as big and bright as the other plant. I choose to grow, even though it will take time... Soon I am taller than the other plant, it's grown all it can. I reach up to the sky, and before I know it, I'm a full grown tree.

1 comment:

  1. Hey annabanana. I feel the same way when I stand next to you. You're like, a foot taller than me......
